2024/25 RMSC Programs
Below are the registration dates for the 2024/25 season:
Registration Opens - Monday, July 1st (at 4:00pm)
Titans Swim School Registration - Monday, August 12th (at 4:00pm)
2024/25 RMSC Program Information
Please click on the group name below to learn more about the group expectations, training schedule and fees.
National Development
Target Age: 15 and over as of March 1st, 2025
8 H20 session + 3 Dryland + 1 Pilates
Pre-requisites: One Swim BC Provincial Time Standard. Must show commitment to the program and meet calendar, to the team and to their own continual improvement.
Provincial Development 1
Target Age: 13-16 years old as of March 1st, 2025
6 H20 session + 2 Dryland + 1 Pilates
Pre-requisites: 1 Swim BC Divisional Time Standard. Must show commitment to the program, to the team and to continual improvement.
Provincial Development 2
Target Age: 11-13 years old as of March 1st, 2025
6 H20 session + 1 Dryland + 1 Pilates
Pre-requisites: 1 Swim BC Divisional Time Standard. Must show commitment to the program, to the team and to continual improvement.
Divisional Development
Target Age: 10 - 12 years old as of March 21st, 2025
5 H20 sessions + 1 Dryland
Pre-requisites: Swimmers in this group will attend LMR level competitions and work towards performing at the Swim BC Divisionals Championships.
Senior Competitive
Target Age: 13-16 years old as of March 1st, 2025
6 H20 session
Pre-requisites: 200 IM under 4:00 minutes and have shown dedication to the program, the meet calendar, the team and to their own continual improvement.
Regional Development
Target Age: 12 and under as of March 1st, 2025
5 H20 session
Pre-requisites:Able to swim a legal 100 Individual Medley in under 2:30 or able to do 25m of Butterfly, 50m of Breaststroke, Backstroke and Freestyle.
Titans Gold
Target Age: 11 and under as of March 1st, 2025
4 H20 session
Pre-requisites: Able to perform in all four strokes, legally, and progress towards a 4:00 standard for the 200 IM and 2:00 standard for the 100 Freestyle.
Titans Silver/Titans Bronze
Target Age: 10 and under as of March 1st, 2025
3 H20 session
Pre-requisites: Swimmers need to be able to swim a 25 of all 4 strokes, with swimmers with more advance skills being placed in Titans Silver.
Non-Competitive Programs
Fitness for Life
The Masters group is a fitness-focused program designed for mature athletes who are looking to supplement training in other sports, competing in Triathlon, or would like to dive off the blocks as a Masters swimmer!
Summer Skills
Swimmers that register for this program need to be members of a BCSSA summer swim program, and are looking to develop their skills and make technical gains during the winter. The skills that the swimmers develop during the winter will support their summer training and performance.
Titans Swim School
This pre-competitive program will teach your swimmers the skills they need to one day become a Ridge Meadows Swim Club athlete. It is a great option to develop your swimmers skills and comfortability in the pool, with the focus being on developing the building blocks of all four strokes.